“There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful.”
Howard Thurman



I wanted to find a way to express the range of emotions I have been feeling in the midst of covid19, and I came up with this somewhat accidental series of photos. On their own, the images might represent a kind of bleakness or despair – fear of loss of life represented by a cold pair of lifeless feet, the frantic feeling associated with repetitive handwashing, the loneliness and anxiety of self-isolation.

But in this time of darkness, I’m also looking for hope. I’m reminded that courage might look like increased vulnerability and intimacy; that handwashing and vigilant personal hygiene might help save lives; and that death doesn’t only have to mean physical death, but perhaps a death to selfishness and fear that leads to hoarding rather than generosity. I am reminded that in life our hands, feet, and head are not disembodied, separate parts working independently. Rather, they function together and have the opportunity to love and serve others even when afraid. 

Global Day of Solidarity

Global Day of Solidarity

How much longer?

How much longer?